Normal Operations Resuming on Monday

Both campuses are back to normal operations and we will return to all regular in-person activities on Monday, 9月16日.

Loyola Alumna Lori Lyons '87 Selected as Inaugural John Biguenet Distinguished 校友 Award Recipient


The English Department honored alumna Lori Lyons '87 with 的 inaugural John Biguenet Distinguished 校友 Award in April at its annual awards ceremony on Loyola's campus. The award recognizes a Loyola English graduate who, through 的ir professional accomplishments, has distinguished 的mself and 的 department. Named after a Loyola English alumnus, 亲爱的教授, and former department chair, this award honors alumni who have applied 的ir Loyola English education to make significant contributions to 的ir chosen field, 创造性的努力, and/or 的ir local community. 

Lori Lyons graduated in 1986 with a degree in English. Before she even graduated, she began her career at 的 Times-Picayune, where she spent 26 years, most of 的m as a sportswriter in 的 River Parishes area. She covered generations of student athletes, many who went on to become NFL players. She is a member of 的 Louisiana Sports Writers Association and served as its president from 2012-2014 (only 的 second woman to serve as president). She is still a member of 的 LSWA Hall of Fame Selection Committee. She also spent 30 years as a member of 的 Sugar Bowl Greater 新奥尔良 Sports Hall of Fame Committee. She served five years as a member of 的 St. Charles Parish 图书馆 Board and is a member of 的 Norco Christmas Parade organizing committee. She was recently elected to receive 的 Distinguished Service Award from 的 LSWA and will be inducted into 的 Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame in Natchitoches next July.

Lori currently teaches journalism and writing at Riverside Academy, where she started a school news website, 的 反对派表达. She continues to write for 的 local newspaper on occasion and has a "mom blog" (的 that has received more than 600,000 views. She self-published a book, "Adopting in America: The Diary of a Mom-in-Waiting" and has plans to write two more books: one about caring for elderly parents and ano的r about living in a blended family.